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Adidas & Muhammed Ali & Leyla Ali

11 Nov



One of the most powerful sports campaigns of all time.. Sports apparel brand Adidas used catch phrase “impossible is nothing” with various sporting heroes, from Beckham to Messi. In this one, above, they have used the Ali family – both the legend and his professional boxer Leyla. A good piece for the collection. Powerful and inspiring !

Apple & Muhammed Ali

22 Oct

Apple & Muhammed Ali

This entry is one of the crown jewels of this blog. All time boxing great meets Apple. The catch phrase of the Ad is simple.. ‘the greatest’ . One of Apple’s controversial Ads which they are trying to differentiate from existing vendors in 80s. Think different was their catch phrase. Spotted this Ad in Twitter via

Louis Vuitton & Muhammed Ali

4 Oct


I first captured this Ad at the back of the Economist mag. The ad, whose tagline reads, “Some stars show you the way” reflects the boxing legend Ali with his 3 years old grandson. LV captures his greatness, subtle legend status of current times and lasting fame.. A good campaign overall. Further media includes a Web link that refers to Mr. Ali’s most famous boast: